Friday, 10 February 2012

Ianya adalah SMS, Harap Maklum.


Ade ke manusia hari ini yang xmemiliki handphone? Yes, baby, kanak2, warga emas yang mungkin dah rabun kronik, perhapss. Tapi jangan terkejut if baby yang masih lagi berusia beberapa bulan, kanak2 yang baru beberapa tahun dah pun memiliki handphoe atau bahasa baku, telefon bimbit. Sebab apa? Let say parents send them to a kindergarten, a nursery, if anything, they would call a babysitter to get some information what is going on happen to their child. ITS IMPORTANT. Ade jugak warga emass yg even dorang memiliki masalah penglihatan yang kronik, but stil they having a handphone, sebab apa? Its easier to let their child contacting them through calling. Handphone sekarang dah canggih, ade yang dah set up automatically answered when receiving a call. Plus, mesti ade anak cucu yang stay with them right? PENDEK KATA, HAMPIR MAJORITI PEOPLE ADA HANDPHONE, pendek kata PANJANG XKATA. :P

Regarding on that , selalu jadi issue is when we're receiving a texting/ messaging from others. MasyaAllah, macam macammm pattern shortform lahh, kadang-kadang aku wonderrr, dorangg ni pergi kelass short form like was a secretary should attend ke to fulfill their qualification to be a secretary or wartawan whatsoever.  Seriouslyyy, Fitammmmm. 

Kauorang boleh see tau which kind of shortform is, kadang-kadang rasa annoyying gilaaa sebab nak baca pon sampai tergeliat2 lidah, terbelit2 gigi, eh betulke gigi lembut dr lidahh? ITU BUAYA DARAT. Kihkihkihkih 

Hai, awak kew tue?
Tghh buwad apew tueww? 
Ko capew?
Da mamam keww? Saya wendu larhh kt awk tawww.

Dah jadahh kenapa kau nak sangat tambah huruf W tu haaa. Ini  annoyying sangattt. Dapat kind of this message, sorry, i will not entertain unless its an important thingsss.

N many more lah, if aku nak listdown all in here. Kadang seboleh boleh nak dpotong perkataan tu, Lets say, word OKAY jadi OK itu xape lah lgi, nak lagi shortform,? K. Ade lagi shortform? TENGOK HANDPHONE THEN ANGGUK2 KEPALA TANDA KORANG SETUJU/FAHAM. ASSUME ORANG YANG SEND MESSAGE TU NAMPAK. SENANG. -.-'  Eh eh, pernah tak, korang punyelahh berlebar2 berhujah2 send message, then direply, K.. Je.? Hahahahahahaaha, ase nak sepuk2 orang tu kan?? :P Sabauu jelah Hihihihi

Pleasee and pleasee, boleh shortform, but make sure shortform yang orang lain boleh guess n understand the word is meaning of what. Dont make such thing yang orang keep reply by questioning u, but dont answering u. Aku sendiri pun gune kan shortform when texting somebody but, make sure to keep it as simple as people can understand it. ORANG CAKAP, JIMAT KREDIT BY XTULIS PANJANG2, FYI, IT'S SMS OK? True, tapi jadahnye if ko anto sms, tapi orang reply banyak kali sebab xfaham, dah ko kene send semule dekat die, dah mmbazir kredit namenye. LOL

Kadang-kadang, funny pulak rasanya bile baca mesej2 macam tu tauuu, we can see how childish nya personaliti seseorang tu by looking the way he /she typing their message to otherss. Layan kan jelahhhhh :))

Below this,I got it from a NST while reading it. For messaging better use ;

♥ KISS Principle : Keep it short and simple. :))

Terima Kasih, datang lagi.

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